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Thursday, 4 March 2010

What's Hot and What's Not!

Following the theme of trend forecasts, our very own garden trends commentator, Design Director Ian Dexter has some predictions of his own in terms of some top tips for what the best-dressed gardens will look like in 2010!

I want it now! : Society’s growing lust for instant gratification has been dubbed ‘nowism’ and this emerging trend will also be witnessed in the outdoor room.  No longer willing to wait for nature to take its course, the modern homeowner is likely to seek out mature specimen trees to create immediate impact.  Pleached tree screens, mature buxus balls and ‘to go’ established hedging are all rising in popularity and it seems that price is no barrier when it comes to fulfilling the desire for quick fix results.  

Space aware:  Gardens are not necessarily getting any bigger, and indeed with many urban based home owners looking to partake in a spot of ‘garden living’ despite the obvious restrictions which go hand in hand with city life, the optimum use of space is another popular theme for 2010.  Espalier fruit trees which are trained to grow upwards rather than develop expansive branches to the side, are tipped to feature heavily this year as are living walls and living roofs. As well as the obvious aesthetic appeal, low maintenance living green roofs deliver additional environmental benefits such as reduced flooding, improved sound and heat insulation and the obvious provision of a wildlife friendly environment.  Any flat roof or a roof with a slope of up to 45 degrees can be used to grow a fabulous range of sedum products or eco friendly wildflowers creating a dramatic roof top sensation. 

Green, green, greener: As we’ve already heard the ‘go green’ trend is well and truly here to stay, so adopting environmentally friendly strategies in the garden is most definitely ‘in’.  Prepare to see the use of eco-friendly and recycled materials, water harvesting, composting and an increasing reliance on solar energy all grow in popularity. In addition to this, there will be a ‘greener’ approach to selecting key features for the outdoor room. Modern, man made, synthetic features such as shade sails & stainless steel water features will be replaced by more natural looking elements such as pergolas shrouded in fragrant climbers and natural stone spill stones & drilled boulders.  

Lime Orchard - Garden Design. Planting Plans. Garden Build 

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