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Wednesday, 16 March 2011

Kids Getting Enough of the Green Stuff?

According to one expert, parents have a responsibility to help their children to connect more with nature.
Richard Louv, author of a book titled ‘Last Child in the Woods’ calls for mums and dads to encourage their offspring to join in with gardening activities such as setting up a bird bath, planting seeds and even helping to dig ponds.

Louv puts forward the argument that nature can have a calming influence on children and believes there are possible negative effects associated with a failure to allow our children to connect with the natural world and visit green spaces. He claims that parents who allow this to happen may be exposing their children to the genuine risk of falling victim to Nature Deficit Disorder. Symptoms cited include hyperactivity, depression, loneliness and boredom. This theory is backed up by Jules Petty from the University of Essex who states that "green exercise" can prove beneficial to young people who are experiencing stress, referring to a report from the Environmental Science and Technology journal, which revealed youngsters can increase their overall wellbeing by participating in outdoor activities. So the clear message is, make sure your kids get their green fix!

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