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Tuesday 7 December 2010

Join the Revolution!

And we are not talking the Grow Your Own revolution this time! According to Smarta – ‘the ultimate advice and networking resource for anyone starting and running a small business’ – ‘the chicest, most bang-on trend for office space this season is …the humble garden shed”.
Shedworking is fast becoming a national phenomenon with many home workers choosing to locate their business premises in the garden. So if one of your new year resolutions is to start your own business, or even to try and maintain your current role but working from home, consider the following benefits of a garden office:

  • free from the disruption and distraction of the traditional office, working from a dedicated garden office you are likely to be more productive and focussed
  • cutting out the daily commute means that you get to spend more time actually working and less time wasting precious hours sitting in traffic or on a crowded train
  • no more costly train fares or petrol expenses – AND a reduced food bill as eating from home is far cheaper than buying lunch from your local sandwich bar
  • opportunity for parents to embrace flexible working patterns – the time you save on travelling to and from work can be put to better use doing the school run / attending children’s school events
  • psychologically you are likely to perform better without the stress associated with travelling to and from work, and the natural garden landscape provides a comforting environment and an enhanced sense of work / life balance
  • a good garden studio can add up to 5% to the value of your property, and works well as a selling point in competitive markets
Why not contact Lime Orchard to discuss how a home office can be blended into our garden landscape? .

1 comment:

  1. Nice article and spot on too! Shedworking is the future.
